Broken: A Call to Life - Five Minute Friday

I am gathering with other writers over at Five Minute Friday. Today's prompt word for the Five Minute Friday Challenge is Broken.

Dividing the three hundred men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside. . . . The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, "A sword for the Lord and for Gideon." While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled.

Judges 7:16, 20-21

Broken is not always bad. 

The jars of clay the Israelites had only served to hide the light until they were broken.

A beautiful, graceful,butterfly can only emerge when the "safe" cocoon around it is broken. 

A little chick, with all it's fluffy cuteness can only emerge when the protective shell around it is broken.

A newborn baby can only draw breath and begin to live outside the womb when the protective covering around it is broken. 

And broken crayons still color.

Brokenness is a call to growth, to beauty, and to new life!


  1. What a perfect reminder that what we think are the failures and broken pieces of our lives are those things God uses sometimes for the most good. This is a reminder I desperately needed right now. Thank you. FMF#17

  2. Great illustrations from God's designs for life.

  3. Pain, yeah, it's weakness' leaving
    from the body's scene,
    and I did grow up believing
    that blood makes grass grow green.
    Can't omlettize without broke eggs,
    can't eat a peanut in the shell,
    can't Ironman without sore legs,
    save mold when you cast a bell.
    Nothing comes without a cost,
    nothing here's for free,
    'cause only when the cover's lost
    it's then that you will see
    that for what's inside to live,
    something outside's got to give.

  4. Brokenness is a call to growth, to beauty, and to new life!--Yes!! --Deirdre FMF#3

  5. I am encouraged by your post! Thank you.
    -your FMF neighbor


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